
Architektenkammer Berlin

The event is recognized by the Berlin Chamber of Architects with a total of 26 teaching units (10 teaching units for participation on 04.12.24 / 9 teaching units for participation on 05.12.24 / 7 teaching units for participation on 06.12.24)

Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg (AKBW)

This event is recognized by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects as further training for members and architects/urban planners in practical training for the fields of architecture and interior design (teaching hours after participation)

Bayerische Ingenieurekammer-Bau

The event is recognized by the Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers (teaching hours after participation)

Applications for recognition of further training are submitted to the following chambers:

  • Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg
  • Ingenieurkammer Hessen
  • Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen